Find the Best Freelance Gigs & Work Tasks in Netherlands
gigexchange is an Dutch Future of Work marketplace for Dutch service providers to find & hire temporary, flexible remote & on-demand freelance, contracting & consulting work locally in Dutch and globally.
We are founded & developed by gig workers of the NZ gig economy, we understand and care about your world. We have ensured we offer the lowest commission fees possible, so more money goes into ‘our’ back pockets.
Sign up and begin completing your gigs with us.
What is the gig economy in Netherlands?
The gig economy is a relatively new way of working in Netherlands. It enables Dutch freelancers, contractors, remote workers, digital nomads or even Full Time Employees looking for a side hustle, to complete outcome based work assignments, rather than historical time based model (daily/hourly rate).
The Dutch gig economy is opening up new work opportunities for different demographics. Such as students; stay at home parents; semi-retired; new migrants to a country; backpackers on work holidays.
Whether you are a freelancing copywriter in Auckland NZ, a web developer contractor in Brisbane Australia, a student in Toronto Canada or a backpacker travelling around the world, we have the Dutch or global gigs for you.

Can the Dutch gig economy work for me?
- Are you a Dutch freelancer, contractor, consultant or digital nomad looking to expand your network in Netherlands or globally?
- Are you unemployed in Netherlandsand looking for additional income whilst looking for a permanent or full-time job?
- Are you in employment, but looking for additional income as a side hustle or side gig?
- Are you thinking of starting self-employed small Dutch business but wanting to test the water first?
- Are you looking for flexible working from home options in Netherlands to earn additional income whilst looking after the kids?

Find the Best Gig Jobs in Netherlands
- We provide a reputation service, validating your skills and honest, hard work
- We provide financial security, ensuring you get paid for the work you complete
- We provide the lowest gig economy fees in Netherlands and globally, because we understand and care
- We provide a fair disputes policy
- We provide a convenient Dutch marketplace with a large pool of Dutch businesses needing gigs completed

How the gigexchange gig economy service works?
1. Apply for gigs that you can complete.
- Work can be remote based or location specified
- Gigs can be priced as negotiable or fixed price (non-negotiable) so you only work on what suits your needs
2. Sell yourself to win the gig
- Chat privately explaining how you can help
- Advise your fee and expected outcome with a negotiable gig
- Accept the terms on a fixed price gig if meets your requirements
3. Win the gig.
- Lock in the agree terms & fee
- Money is withheld in Stripe escrow until completion to provide security & trust for both parties
- Begin working on the gig
4. Work completed – Pay is Released and feedback provided
- Notify when the work is completed
- Money is released by satisfied party
- Feedback given by both parties
Featured Locations
Frequently Asked Questions
See here for more Help & Support questions