Groningen Netherlands

Work in Groningen Netherlands

Groningen is a city in the northern region of the Netherlands, known for its vibrant cultural scene, picturesque architecture, and world-class educational institutions.

One of the citys most famous landmarks is the Martinitoren, a towering 97-meter-high church tower that offers stunning views of the surrounding area.

Groningen is also home to a number of renowned museums and art galleries, including the Groninger Museum, which houses a wide range of contemporary and modern art.

When it comes to work opportunities, Groningen has a diverse and thriving economy, with major industries including energy, healthcare, and education. Some of the citys largest employers include:

  • Groningen University Medical Center - a leading healthcare provider that employs over 13,000 people and is responsible for much of the regions medical research and innovation
  • N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie - a natural gas infrastructure company that operates across the Netherlands and Europe
  • GasTerra - a major player in the international gas trade, with its headquarters located in Groningen
  • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - a top-ranking research university that employs over 6,000 staff members and offers a wide range of academic programs
  • UMCG - the University Medical Center Groningen, which is one of the largest academic hospitals in the Netherlands and a major employer in the region

Other key industries in Groningen include engineering, software development, and creative industries, with a number of startups and tech companies based in the city.

Groningen Netherlands

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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a great gig listing? arrow-right
The gig is a defined task, with a pre-determined outcome. If you ensure your scope of expected work is detailed, with a level of quality specified, this will reduce any miscommunication/misinterpretation when gig workers review.
What is the difference between a fixed price & negotiable gig? arrow-right
When you set a fixed price gig, the price is non-negotiable, so anyone applying for the gig agrees to the price set in the gig listing. Negotiable gigs have no price set on the listing, but allow the gig lister and gig workers to negotiate through the private chat portals. Once an agreement is made, the scope or works and price is updated on the gig listing and agreed to by both gig lister and worker. With a negotiable gig, you can also make a change to the scope of the gig once it is in flight. Please note, any new price is just for the additional work, not the total value of the old and new.
I am a business, do you offer discounts for bulk job uploads? arrow-right
Please contact us so we can discuss your specific requirements?
Can anyone sign up to become a gig worker? arrow-right
Yes! The gig economy is all encompassing. Use your skills to earn some extra cash on the side. Test the water into moving full time into gig work. Build your brand to help you land that dream job. Empower flexibility into your life. Or fund/test the viability of your passion.
How do I build my brand? arrow-right
Ensure your profile is fully up to date, representing yourself and your skills as honestly as possible. For any gigs won, conduct yourself with grace. Treat the customer with respect. Keep the customer updated on progress of the gig. Ensure you keep evidence of your work. Complete the gig to a high level, within the agreed timeframes. This will ensure your ratings and reviews are exemplary. This will ensure your brand is in demand for future gigs you are interested in.

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