Zoetermeer Netherlands

Work in Zoetermeer Netherlands

Zoetermeer is a city located in the province of South Holland in the Netherlands, known for its modern architecture, green spaces, and high quality of life. The city is famous for being one of the first planned cities in the country, with a well-designed urban layout that prioritizes accessibility and sustainability.

The major work opportunities in Zoetermeer are in the service, healthcare, and technology sectors. Major employers in the area include telecommunications company KPN, healthcare provider Groene Hart Ziekenhuis, and software company Exact. Zoetermeer is also home to a number of small and medium-sized enterprises, including tech startups, design firms, and creative industries.

In recent years, Zoetermeer has seen growth in its technology industry, with a number of companies specializing in information technology, software development, and telecommunications. The city is also home to a number of research institutions, including the Dutch Space Research Institute and the European Space Research and Technology Centre.

Overall, the job market in Zoetermeer is diverse and dynamic, with opportunities in both traditional and emerging industries. The citys strategic location near The Hague and Rotterdam and its excellent transportation connections make it an attractive destination for businesses looking to establish a presence in the region.

Zoetermeer Netherlands

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